All Sports Banquet Scheduled for May 1st at 5:30pm

Wellington High School: All Sports Banquet
May 1st, 5:30 pm: Wellington High School
Wellington High School would like to invite all athletes and their families to the
2024 All Sports Banquet. We will recognize all sports from the fall to the spring.
Coaches will present awards for their players. We will also announce our Outstanding
Male/Female senior athletes at this event. Crusader Club will provide a hamburger meal,
burger, chips, cookies, and water for high school athletes and their family members.
We are hosting this year’s sports banquet at Wellington High School as our football field is
undergoing some field renovations. Crusader Club will start serving food at 5:30, and the
banquet will start at 6 PM.
We appreciate your help in making this event happen and all of the support this
year. A big thank you to Crusader Club for supplying the meal. We have had a lot of
wonderful accomplishments this year and look forward to celebrating them at this event.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at the school
Thank you,
Elly Johnson
Go Big Red