Conner Walker Most Recent KINDNESS COUNTS Awardee @ WHS

IMPACT BANK is sponsoring a new program this year at Wellington High School. It is called - "KINDNESS COUNTS"! Here's how it works!

There are multiple staff members at WHS that have been selected as "anonymous observers". (they don't even know who the other observers are) Their task this school year, when they observe a student exhibiting KINDNESS, in any variety of ways, they will nominate that student for recognition, and in turn, IMPACT BANK will award the selectee, for their display of "KINDNESS", a $25 Gift Card!

We have our third IMPACT BANK "KINDNESS COUNTS" winner for this school year at WHS, and this is why he was nominated.

Conner Walker, a sophomore at WHS, is a transfer student from Conway Springs HS. Conner hit the ground running upon his arrival into the land of "red", Crusader Red that is! The young man didn't participate in sports at Conway, but went out for Cross Country here, for the first time in his life. Like every other endeavor, he gives it his best shot. Conner is respectful of those around him, listens more than he speaks - just basically shows a sincere interest in his friends, his teammates, his surroundings. He always answers any inquiries with a smile and a soft-spoken demeanor. He is a quiet and courteous leader.

For the first time in 32 years, a "team" of Cross Country runners made it to the State 4A Tournament in Wamego. Conner was one of those 7 on the team. In the 5K, he consistently finishes in the top half of the runners in the race, often coming in under the 20 minute mark. He approaches life and any task at hand, in a positive way - no drama, just results. He is diligent, never whines, and brings a sense of control to his immediate environment. He is willing to help, you can just tell, no matter.

"Kindness" can pack a punch of positivity and comes in many forms. It can be spoken or it can be modeled in very subtle ways. Conner is a master of both. IMPACT BANK knows that about "kindness", thus their sponsorship of such a program. "Kindness" has a way of bringing us together and moving us forward. Thank you Conner Walker and congratulations for this recognition - you are an awesome young man and asset at WHS!

Seen here, presenting the $25 Gift Card to Conner, is WHS Sophomore Class President, Kate Haines. Thank you Kate, thank you Conner, and thank you IMPACT BANK.